Pigeons Destroy HVAC Systems in Phoenix Arizona
Cleaning Resource Center specializes in Pigeon remediation of Industrial and Commercial Buildings
Bird fecal matter and feathers can have devastating effects on the heating and cooling components and indoor air quality of a commercial facility. Pigeon problems can affect employees, maintenance personnel and potentially customers.
HVAC technicians, roofers, etc. should pay attention to the areas where outdoor air enters the HVAC system. They also should investigate accumulations of organic material in or near HVAC air intakes; rooftop heating and cooling units are a perfect place for pigeons to nest. To seek shelter from the elements, pigeons and birds typically enter air handler units through the fresh air intakes and build their nests within the unit. A single pair of pigeons can generate up to 18 new pigeons per year. Once a nest is established, pigeons are extremely territorial. According to a Center for Disease Control and Prevention report on histoplasmosis, HVAC technicians, demolition workers, bridge inspectors, chimney cleaners, maintenance staff, microbiology laboratory workers, farmers, roofers, spelunkers and gardeners all have removed bird droppings in a way that resulted in human illnesses. A particularly large outbreak of the disease occurred in 2001 when 523 high school students became ill after soil in their school’s courtyard containing bird droppings was rototilled by a maintenance worker.
Can histoplasmosis or Cryptococcus’s be transferred into a building? Yes, HVAC system distributes the air throughout a facility. The designed air exchange rate is 15/minutes per hour. The bacteria, fungi and parasites that live and grow in pigeon droppings can carry and transmit any of 60 known diseases can be reticulated. Exposure to pigeon feces and other organic matter such as feathers carcasses and nesting material from the HVAC system may pose a considerable health threat to people who come in contact with them or inhale the airborne particles from them. Every precaution should be taken to ensure that building occupants and maintenance personnel are protected from pigeon feces.
As pigeons live at and in the fresh air makeup, air handler units they peck through filter material allowing unfiltered air and pigeon contaminants to freely enter the ventilation system. Damage to an HVAC system is numerous: CRC has qualified personal to remove and treat pigeon nests. Often times we see many dead pigeons in the HVAC Systems.
Contaminated Coil
- Fresh Air Intakes: The nesting of pigeons begins at the fresh air intake along with fecal matter associated. Pigeons like the fresh air vent as a result of constant air movement, covered area from inclement weather and nesting place for the families. The fresh air intake, if not broken through, will cause clogging of the screen restricting air flow and fresh air into the building. Talk about fresh air?
- Filter banks: Birds can peck though filter banks allowing for unfiltered air and pigeon contaminants to be drawn into HVAC components and supply air ducts.
- Fan Assemblies: Bird feathers, fecal matter and debris builds within the fan blades decreasing airflow.
- Evaporator Coils: Bird feathers, fecal matter and debris clog the air conditioner coils and clog the drain pan.
- Coil Drain Pans: With the drain pan water and pigeon fecal matter creates a potential source of dangerous/toxic microorganisms and other chemicals.
- AHU Insulation: Birds can peck at the insulation to create nesting material allowing for raw fiberglass fibers to enter the associated air conveyance system.
Cleaning Resource Center can eliminate any type pigeon problem in Phoenix AZ we have the training, equipment and a complete follow up program, for long term elimination.